Thanksgiving is an opportunity to reflect on what we have been able to protect in 2020 in spite of many setbacks and challenges. With the rising COVID cases, the continued economic anxiety and many unknowns ahead, we need to come together with our union to make a difference. We have made a lot of progress and still have a lot more to do to confront these challenges.
As the year comes to a close, our eyes are turning towards how our state can better protect us from Covid-19 infection and the bargaining season that is starting now.
Next year, most SEIU 503 members will negotiate new contracts, covering everything from wages and benefits to workplace safety. Bargaining surveys are critical in making sure that your bargaining team knows what you think is important during bargaining. What is most important to you? Holding the line of wages? Protecting health insurance? Defending against cuts to retirement plans? What about non-economic policies, such as how Paid Time Off (PTO) works? Click here to learn more about the bargaining campaign, how to get involved and how we can fight for a strong contract.
We know that essential public employees and care providers have been on the frontline of this pandemic.. We need to make sure that our public services are adequately funded in the Governor’s budget coming out next week. Sign this petition calling on Governor Kate Brown to fully fund essential public services in the state budget. Essential workers also pushed for and won additional workplace protections from The Oregon Occupational Health and Safety division.
As the number of Covid-19 cases spikes in Oregon and around the country, the Governor’s office has put through new policies designed to slow the spread of the disease and get us back to normal faster. Please use this guidance to keep your family safe this holiday season. Click here to learn more about these policies and how to keep yourself safe this holiday season.
We have compiled a dynamic list of Covid-19 resources to help working families during this difficult time. These include everything such as the new OSHA policies meant to keep our workplaces safe to FAQs about how our workplaces are dealing with the virus. This is a great “one stop shop” to answer your Covid-19 questions! Click here to check out these resources and learn more.
SEIU members have felt the impact of the recession. But many of us are lucky. We have jobs, a union contract and a union community to support us. Many of our friends and family members do not. That’s why we put together, a website designed to help the general public navigate the state services available to people who have lost their jobs or income during the pandemic. We’re proud to offer this public service to the community.
Renters across Oregon have been struggling with job losses and added expenses since the pandemic began. This is why we are working with our elected leaders to extend the eviction moratorium that has been protecting vulnerable families across the state. Click here to learn more about what we are fighting for!