Save time and money with legal insurance. Legal insurance helps you address the family, legal and financial matters you may encounter in life. Legal insurance enrollment is available during the first 90 days of new membership or during an annual open enrollment.
Legal insurance gives you a place to turn to when you need help with a wide range of legal matters, such as buying a home or creating a will. As well as unexpected issues, like a dispute with a home contractor or a sudden illness. You will receive legal advice and representation that is 100% paid-in-full for most covered legal matters when you work with an ARAG® Network Attorney. This insurance also provides identity theft protection.
Legal Insurance Plan Enrollment Packet
For enrollment and coverage questions contact SEIU Membership Advantages at 1-844-503-SEIU (7348) or email
To access coverage information visit and use Access Code 10540SEI or call 1-800-247-4184.