Bargaining 101: Bargaining is common to all of our Union’s sub locals. You will leave this workshop understanding the purpose of bargaining, timelines in bargaining campaigns, the components of a bargaining campaign and the mechanics at the bargaining table with management.
Younger Workers: This workshop will be a discussion-based workshop led by younger members and staff and created for members under 40. If you are under 40, come talk with other younger members who are interested in the future of our Union and the labor movement.
Issue Organizing in a Digital Age: Most of us use at least one social media platform. Learn how to use social media in bargaining and issue organizing campaigns.
Mental Health & Wellness in Our Communities: How can we better support historically oppressed and systemically marginalized communities on mental health and wellbeing? We’ll discuss why this is essential in growing a labor movement that is trauma-informed and wellness-centered, and how our Union can take an active role in this work.
Solidarity in Action: How can we better integrate our caucuses in issue-based organizing? We’ll also discuss and examine how we can be more intersectional in our organizing; fostering true solidarity union-wide.
Building Member Power in Our Sublocals: This workshop will be introduced by the International Union and will focus on critical conversations moving our Union forward: the membership ask and engaging workers on issues they care about.
Organizing Around Bully Bosses: How do you deal with a bully boss? Organize! This workshop will share a real campaign and the steps they took to overcome a bully boss situation.
Navigating Worker Resources: This workshop is designed for state stewards who want to understand the resources available to workers regarding specific types of leave, discrimination & harassment, laws that support them and the limits to the Collective Bargaining Agreements.