Who are PPS Workers? We are Nutrition Services and Custodial workers of Portland Public Schools. We are people who put food on plates, and wipe surfaces clean every day to ensure that our schools are safe and healthy.

NEW Collective Bargaining Agreement (2023-2026)

NUEVO Convenio de Negociación Colectiva (2023-2026)


Take Action!

Your Bargaining Team

SEIU 503 is a member-run union. Members elect a bargaining team of their peers every two years. With legal, negotiation and logistical support from union staff, your bargaining team fights to make sure your priorities are reflected in the final contract.

Amy Silvia
James D’Arcy
Dave Vecsi
Gabe Penk
Jennifer Borley
Chris Walters
Roberta Packer
Veronica Green

Union Officers
Nutrition Services Co-Chair: Amy Silvia – Maplewood
Custodial Co-Chair: James D’Arcy – Llewellyn
Nutrition Services Representative-at-Large: Roberta Packer – Forest Park
Custodial Representative-at-Large: Gabe Penk – Benson @ Marshall
Secretary-Treasurer: Keenan Murray – Chapman

Union Stewards: Members can work with stewards from either department
Mario Williams (NS) – mariwilliams@pps.net
Veronica Green (NS) – vgreen2@pps.net
Aubz Headrick (C) – aheadrick@pps.net
Gabe Penk (C) – gpenk1@pps.net
Jennifer Borley (C) -jborley1@pps.net
Reggie Smith (C) – rsmith2@pps.net
Timothy Banas (C) – tbanas@pps.net
Curtis Christle (C) – cchristl@pps.net
Jennifer Sherman (C) – jsherman@pps.net

Questions? Want to get involved? Email Joe Cartino at cartinoj@seiu503.org

Media: PPS Updates

Check out this video of PPS workers speaking out to the School Board